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Workshare Compare for macOS Help

Get up and running quickly with Compare for macOS

Note: This is a BETA release and will stop working 1st May 2020.

To run a comparison, launch the Workshare Compare application and follow the next short steps:

1. Accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Start comparing.
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2. To select the files you want to compare, either:
a) Click anywhere in the 'Original' or 'Modified' boxes to open the document finder.
b) Alternatively, drag and drop your required document into the 'Original' or Modified' boxes.
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3. Once you have selected your required documents, click Compare to run your comparison.
(For more information on how we run comparisons, see 'How are my documents compared?')
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4. Your comparison will appear as below.
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For more information on how to view and export your comparison, please see our view your comparison article.

Operating Systems
Apple Mac OS



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