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Configuring NetDocuments and Workshare Compare Online

Learn how to configure the integration of Workshare Compare Online in NetDocuments.

Workshare Compare Online brings DeltaView comparison technology directly into the browser environment so you can now experience the power of running, viewing and interacting with Workshare’s browser-delivered comparison on any device.

In order to configure the integration of Workshare in NetDocuments, you should add Workshare as an application to your NetDocuments cabinets. Workshare will then be available when using the NetDocuments Send to application functionality.

To add Compare Online to your NetDocuments cabinets:

  1. Log in to NetDocuments.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. From the Cabinets list, click the cabinet you want to add Workshare to.
  4. Click Integrate external applications at the top of the page.
  5. A list of available published applications is displayed and you can select the app you want to be available in the Send to Application dialog.
  6. Make sure Workshare Compare Online is selected.
  7. Scroll down and click Save.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the cabinet page and click Submit.

Now when a user selects the Send to application option in NetDocuments, Workshare Compare Online is listed as an available application.

If Workshare Compare Online does not appear in the list of published apps…

  1. Log in to NetDocuments.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. From the Cabinets list, click the cabinet you want to add Workshare to.
  4. Click Integrate external applications at the top of the page.
  5. Click Add unpublished app.
  6. Enter the relevant client ID for your region.
  • North America (for vault.netvoyage.com): AP-55XE3CJT
  • Europe (for eu.netdocuments.com): AP-SEWENDQX
  • Australia (for au.netdocuments.com): AP-S8W6F31N
  1. Click Add App.
  2. Workshare Compare Online will now appear in the list of applications. Confirm it is selected.
  3. Scroll down and click Save.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the cabinet page and click Submit.




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