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Download an invoice

Learn how to download an invoice of your Workshare purchase.

When you've purchased or renewed a subscription to Workshare, a copy of the invoice will be kept in the Support Portal so you can download it at any time.
  1. Go to the Support Portal at https://wsportal.force.com/help/s/login/
This image shows the "Sign in with Workshare" button that is displayed when you visit the Workshare Support Portal. Underneath the button it says, "Don't have access? Register here!"
  1. If you've logged in before, click Sign in with Workshare. If this is your first time using the Support Portal, register for access here: http://go.workshare.com/support-self-service-request.html
  2. In the portal, select the My Account tab.
  3. Click Invoices.
This image shows the "My Account" tab selected and "Invoices" highlighted.
  1. Locate the subscription.
Note: If you've just renewed your subscription, it may take a few minutes for the invoice to be displayed. 
  1. Click the subscription's invoice number in the Number column. Your invoice is displayed.
This image shows an invoice number highlighted.
  1. To download a printable PDF of your invoice, click Invoice PDF. The invoice will open in a new tab of your browser.
This image shows the invoice page with the "Invoice PDF" button highlighted.
Note: Ensure that you have pop-ups enabled for your browser.
  1. To save or print your invoice, right-click in the browser tab that's opened with your invoice and select Save as or Print.




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