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Important information for 64-bit download

Learn what the 64-bit version of Workshare is, how to find out if you need it, and where to download it.

What is the 64-bit version of Workshare Professional?

The 64-bit version of Workshare Professional (also available as Compare and Protect) is built to be compatible with the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office. It has the same features as the standard (32-bit version) of Workshare Professional, but it has different supported environments. You can read the system requirements and supported environments here: System requirements for Professional 10

Note: The Workshare desktop app that's included with the 64-bit version of Workshare Professional is a 32-bit application. Because the Workshare desktop app does not integrate with Microsoft Office, you can use it with the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.

How do I know if I'm running 64-bit Microsoft Office?

If you're using Office 365
  1. Open any Office application, like Word or Excel.
  2. Click File > Account.
  3. Click About Excel. A dialog opens, showing the full version number and whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit.
If you're using Office 2016 or Office 2013
  1. Open any Office application, like Word or Excel.
  2. Click File > Account.
  3. Select About [program name] (e.g. "About Word"). The full version name is listed at the top and whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit.
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Where can I download the 64-bit version of Workshare Professional?

The download is available in the Download Center. For more information, see Download, install and license Workshare Professional




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