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Licensing Workshare Professional 9 and above for deployment

Learn about the different licensing methods available to deploy Workshare 9, Workshare 9.5 and Workshare Professional 10.

How are Workshare products licensed?

Workshare 9 onwards (which includes Compare, Protect and Workshare online), uses a new licensing model that's different from how previous versions were licensed. For each product sold, we supply a license agreement with the specified quantity of seats. The license agreement is normally valid for a term of 12 months. Each user of the product consumes one seat, which allows them to legally use the product on up to three devices for the 12 month term.

There are two licensing deployment methods available. Select the method most suited to your environment.
  • User Authenticated licensing: When your users will be using the Workshare online functionality (File Share & Sync module) and you want an accurate view of Workshare online license usage as well as the ability to track and manage online users centrally, User Authenticated licensing is recommended.
  • Enterprise licensing: When your users won’t be using the Workshare online functionality (File Share & Sync module), or when you have restrictive firewall settings or you operate in a Citrix environment, Enterprise licensing is recommended.
The steps in each method are outlined below:

For User Authenticated licensing: Create accounts for your users, deploy Workshare and any configuration settings, then each user enters their my.workshare.com username and password the first time they use Workshare. For Enterprise licensing: Obtain your Enterprise license, then deploy Workshare, your license REG file and any configuration settings.

Note: To use Workshare 9 and above with a perpetual license, you require an up-to-date support contract with Workshare. So long as your support is current, licensing works the same way.

Deploy with User Authenticated licensing

With User Authenticated licensing, the product is deployed as normal. Once the product's been deployed, each user is required to retrieve their license entitlements by signing in to Workshare with their email address and password associated with your Workshare online account (formerly known as Workshare Connect). This action is performed on a one-off basis (once per device) on the very first use of the product. After a user has signed in, the appropriate license key is silently downloaded and applied to the device.

If your users aren't already registered with your Workshare online account, they will be asked to register so that they can sign in. To simplify the registration process, you can add users to your account from the Workshare Admin Console before you deploy the product.

Note: Email addresses must share the same domain. If your users are already registered with Workshare online, ensure they are using their work email address so they are registered against your account. If you're using multiple domains, you'll need to merge them into one account. Contact Workshare Support to merge them.

If you continue to renew after the term of your original purchase, the license auto-renews and never requires re-authentication.

Add users to your account

If your users aren't already registered with your Workshare online account, you can simplify the registration process by adding your users to your Workshare account before you deploy the product.

Adding users to your Workshare account is a simple process performed on the Workshare Admin Console on my.workshare.com. You may add users individually or up to 100 at one time using a CSV file. Users are people in your network using one of your Workshare licenses and all users share the same domain name.
Note: Any user who is part of your domain will be assigned to your company account. If they sign up for a personal account, it will remain separate from your company account.

Adding a user “invites” that user to your Workshare account and they receive an email asking them to validate their email address and create a password. Only when the invited user validates their email address are they considered a licensed user on your account.
To add multiple users:

A video describing this process can be found at https://youtu.be/9AF566WEAeo.
  1. Create a CSV file containing the user account information (up to 100 users). Ensure the file has the following mandatory headers: “email address” and “first name”. You may also include the following headers: “last name”, “job title” and “phone number”. 
  2. Go to my.workshare.com and log in to your account.
  3. Click your user name in the topbar and select Admin Console.
  4. Select the User Management tab.
  5. Click Add Bulk Users.
When you click Add Bulk Users, you'll see a button called "Choose File" so you can upload your CSV file.
  1. Click Choose File and browse to where you have saved your CSV file with all your user details.
  2. Select the file and click Open.
  3. In the Add Bulk Users window, click Import. The user details are added to your account and a registration email is sent to all the email address specified, inviting them to validate their account.
Your users will appear in the User Management tab.
To add a single user:
  1. In the User Management tab of the Admin Console, select Add User.
 When you add a single user, you'll be asked to enter their email and first name
  1. In the E-mail field, enter an email address for the user – this must be from your registered email domain.
  2. In the First Name field, enter a name for the user.
Note: The default role for a user is that of User. If you want to create an administrator user with access rights to the Admin Console, select Account Admin from the Role drop-down list.
  1. Complete the other fields and add a picture for the user if required. The user will be able to edit these personal settings when they have validated their email address. The user cannot change their registered email address.
  2. Click Add User. A registration email is sent to the email address specified and the user is invited to validate their email address.

Deploy with Enterprise licensing

An Enterprise license comes in the form of a Registry file that can be deployed across your network.

To request an Enterprise license, contact Workshare Customer Support at support@workshare.com. You'll be sent two REG files that include your Enterprise license. One REG file is for Windows 32-bit environments and the other is for Windows 64-bit environments. For security, the REG files will likely be sent as TXT files. If so, the files will need to be renamed before you can use them. Please save the files to your computer and then renamed them with .REG at the end instead of .TXT.

To install the license on your machine, double-click the relevant REG file. To install the license on your users' machines, deploy the relevant REG file across your network using your preferred method. If you want further installation and deployment, have a look at the Workshare Professional 10 Installation Guide, the Workshare 9.5 Installation Guide and the Workshare 9 Installation Guide.

Note: In the case of a perpetual entitlement, the system will automatically refresh the license every year if possible. If it's not possible, you'll need to contact us each year to obtain updated REG keys. Test whether your environment allows Enterprise licenses to refresh automatically

Registry Location

Installing the REG file adds the license (adding keys and values) to the Registry in the following location:
  • Workshare 9
  • 32-bit Workshare on 32-bit Windows:
  • 32-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:
  • 64-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:
  • ​Workshare 9.5
  • 32-bit Workshare on 32-bit Windows:
  • 32-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:
  • 64-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:
  • Workshare Professional 10
  • 32-bit Workshare on 32-bit Windows:
  • 32-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:
  • 64-bit Workshare on 64-bit Windows:

Both of the following keys are added – Compare and Protect. Each one includes a Value named “Feature” with the content of the license feature string set as the Value data.

When you don't want your users to have Workshare online accounts

Enterprise licenses may capture a user's email address. If you're deploying the REG files and you do not want Workshare to capture the email addresses of your users at all, you should include the following switch with your install script: CAPTURE_EMAIL

When this parameter is set to CAPTURE_EMAIL=NO, the install sets or updates the Workshare option, SubscriptionCaptureEmail, in the Registry to False. When the option is set to False, Workshare doesn't send out the user email address as part of the validation call for licensing and as a result, a Workshare online account will not be provisioned.

End User Interaction

After deployment, the license will be installed in the Registry on each of your user’s machines and they can use the Workshare products. There will be no need for the end user to log in.

Further resources

Full instructions on downloading, licensing and deploying can be found in the Workshare Professional 10 Installation Guide, the Workshare 9.5 Installation Guide and the Workshare 9 Installation Guide.

If you're licensing Workshare on one machine at a time, you can find the instructions in the article called Download, install and license Workshare Professional.

If you are using Professional 8 or earlier, you can find the instructions for licensing here.




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