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Turn on or turn off Auto-Renew

Learn how to start and stop automatic renewals of your Workshare subscription.

When a subscription's expiry date is reached and Auto-Renew is turned on, the subscription will be renewed automatically and your default card will be charged.

Note 1: To change your default card, see Update payment methods.
Note 2: To manually renew your subscription, see Renew a subscription.​

The steps below show you how to see whether Auto-Renew has been turned on for a particular subscription and how to change whether Auto-Renew is turned on or off.

Note: If this is your first time using the Support Portal, register for access and get a login before following these steps.
  1. Go to the Support Portal and click Sign in with Workshare.
This image shows the "Sign in with Workshare" button that is displayed when you visit the Workshare Support Portal. Underneath the button it says, "Don't have access? Register here!"
  1. In the portal, select the My Account tab, then click Subscriptions.
This image shows the "My Account" tab selected and "Subscriptions" highlighted.
  1. Locate the subscription and click its identification number in the Number column. You'll be redirected to the details of that subscription.
This image shows a subscription's number highlighted.

Under Subscription Information, the Term end date indicates when the subscription will expire. You are entitled to use your subscription up until this date is reached. The Next renewal date indicates when the next renewal will be applied, if you choose to renew.

The AutoRenew checkbox indicates whether automatic renewal is turned on or turned off. If the AutoRenew checkbox is selected, automatic renewal is turned on for this subscription. If it's deselected, automatic renewal is turned off for this subscription.

This image shows the "AutoRenew" checkbox highlighted. It is located toward the bottom of the subscription details.
  1. ​Click Manage Auto-Renew. The Manage Auto-Renew Subscription dialog is displayed.
This image shows "Manage Auto-Renew" highlighted.
  1. If Auto-Renew is disabled, the button in the dialog will say Enable. If Auto-Renew is enabled, the button in the dialog will say Disable. To enable/disable the option for your subscription, click the button. 
This image shows the "Manage auto-renew" dialog. The message in the dialog says, "Would you like to enable auto-renew for this subscription?" Beneath the message is a button that says, "Enable".

The change will take place and the AutoRenew checkbox will be updated accordingly.

Note: It may take a few minutes for the AutoRenew checkbox to be updated.




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