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What version of Workshare do I have?

Learn how to find out which product version number and build number you're using.

Knowing which version number and build number you're using is useful when troubleshooting issues, and our Customer Support team may ask you to provide this information so we can resolve your issue faster.

If you're using Windows, you can get your version number and build number from the Control Panel.

Note: If you're using Protect Server, you should follow the instructions further down in the Protect Server section, rather than using the Control Panel.

Control Panel

  1. Go to Start > Control Panel. 
  2. Click Programs and Features. You'll see a list of every program installed on your computer, sorted alphabetically.
  3. Scroll down the list of programs until you see one or more with a name that starts with "Workshare."
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Tip! To sort the list of programs in reverse alphabetical order so "Workshare" appears near the top of the list, click Name.

The name of your product is written in the Name column. In the example above, there are two Workshare products installed: Workshare Professional 9.5 (also known as Workshare 9.5) and Workshare Desktop (also known as the Workshare desktop app). What's written in the Version column is the build number, which also indicates the product version.

Everything before the second dot is the product version. In the example above, Workshare Professional is version 9.5 and the build number is 9.5.787.202. The Workshare Desktop version is 2.19 and the build number is 2.19.4119.0.

You can also use the Workshare Configuration Manager to find the product version and build number, described below.

Workshare Configuration Manager

Applies to Workshare 9.5, Workshare 9, Professional, Compare, Protect. 

Click the Start menu and select Workshare Configuration (User Mode). The Workshare Configuration Manager opens. The build number is shown in the lower bar.

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Tip! If you have Workshare Compare open, you can use the F4 shortcut to open the Workshare Configuration Manager.

Protect Server

You should use the Protect Server web console to get an accurate version number and build number.

  1. Go to  the URL of your Workshare Protect Server website (generally formatted as <http://<server name>.<domain>/Protect). The login page is displayed.
  2. Enter your credentials and click OK. The Messages page of the Workshare Protect Server web console is displayed.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. The version number and build number are displayed beneath the Workshare logo.
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Everything before the second dot is the product version. In the example above, the version number is 3.8 and the build number is

Workshare Transact and Folders & Groups

If you're accessing an online product like Transact or Folders & Groups, there is no version - it's always up to date. However, if you're using the desktop app, it has a version and build. To find out what it is, you can either open the desktop app and select Help About or follow the Control Panel steps above.


Open the Workshare desktop app and go to Help > About Workshare.

Everything before the second dot is the product version. For example, the version might be 2.19 and the build number might be 2.19.4119.0.




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